Job Vacancy! Become the new Director of Appetite

A performer dressed in pink trousers, scarf and coat and wearing sunglasses, is walking towards the right of the photo. Rows of people can be seen in the background sitting down and watching the performer walk past. The photo is taken in a city centre outside, with buildings in the background. It is a sunny day.

We’re looking for a new Appetite Director!

We are looking for someone to lead on strategy and delivery for Appetite, an Arts Council England Creative People and Places programme. Appetite is an innovative model that empowers residents of Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-under-Lyme to shape the creative activities they want to see in their communities and brings those ideas to life. Appetite is led by the New Vic Theatre and our Appetite Director will join the New Vic Theatre Senior Leadership Team and contribute to overall strategy for both the Appetite programme and the theatre.

Our ideal candidate will be someone with experience of programming performance or other artistic works, developing and sustaining arts initiatives and engaging communities.

Deadline for receipt of applications is Friday 24 January 2025 at 10am

To apply please see the recruitment pack on the New Vic website here, email or telephone 01782 381371 


Featured image by Jenny Harper

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