
Lead Organisation

New Vic Theatre is Appetite’s lead organisation. The award-winning New Vic was the first purpose-built theatre-in-the-round in Europe and produces a year-round programme that includes up to nine in-house productions.New Vic has deep roots in the community and uses participatory theatre to support the regeneration of ourregion by improving life expectations, raising aspiration and achievement, challenging prejudice, and improvingthe quality of life for disadvantaged people.



Arts Council England (ACE) is the national development body for arts and culture across England, working toenrich people’s lives. ACE support a range of activities across the arts, museums and libraries – from theatre tovisual art, reading to dance, music to literature, and crafts to collections.

Creative People and Places is a national programme which focuses on parts of the country where involvement increativity and culture is significantly below the national average. It funds consortium partners in eligible localauthority areas to empower local people to decide what kind of creative activity they want to experience in theirplace. This programme is made possible thanks to National Lottery players, who raise £30 million for GoodCauses each week.



Partners in Creative Learning is an organisation that specialises in making creative projects happen. They help people and organisations to make real change, based on powerful creative experiences.

6Towns Radio is a volunteer-led, community radio station whose vision is to connect and give a voice to community groups to help spread their messages.


Keele University and ArtsKeele are committed to playing a major role in local cultural life. They collaborate with Appetite on cultural events, making great opportunities to involve students in the local arts scene.


Newcastle-under-Lyme Business Improvement District (BID) is a not-for-profit organisation funded by local businesses. Appetite and BID work together to give people exciting new experiences in the town centre.


Go Kidsgrove is a business-led initiative showcasing the benefits of shopping on the highstreet. Together with Appetite they support local events that emphasise the town’s strengths and promote community spirit.

Staffordshire University campus is at the heart ofthe City of Stoke-on-Trent. Our partnershipconnects students with a range of project andcollaboration opportunities to bring fresh art andartists to the area.

Strategic Partners

Other Partners

We have worked with a range of other organisations to deliver events or projects.