Opportunity: Brampton Museum & Art Gallery Artist Residency

We are looking for an Artist to work with Brampton Museum & Art Gallery’s digital collection

Appetite and the Brampton Museum & Art Gallery are working together to offer opportunities to artists, curators and audiences to have access to collections and to create new exhibitions or artworks as a response.

Our first project together is an opportunity for an artist to work with the Museum’s online digital collection and to create an exhibition that would include the new, responsive work created and parts of the collection. This would be represented both online and in one of our Newcastle Common spaces in Newcastle-under-Lyme town centre.

The Museum’s digital 2D collection is available to access through Staffordshire Pastrack.

We would like to hear from artists interested in using archive and museum collections as a basis of their work.

We are using a similar approach to our recent Newcastle Common residencies. For this we anticipate it is a one-month project, which will take place remotely until the install of the exhibition at Newcastle Common.



Fee: £1600 (70% on commencement, 30% on completion & evaluation)

Expenses: up to £600 to include any professional printing of images, and creation of the new work.

Exhibition costs: Display systems, support, tech support to be provided by Appetite at Newcastle Common.

We have budgeted for the project to take place over four weeks and for approx. 2 days per week. It will be self-led with the opportunity to connect with the Appetite and Museum teams at the beginning, middle and during the installation of the exhibition.


How to apply:

We want to make it really easy for you to make a submission.

  • Submit one A4 page on what you’d like to do and include a couple of things you’ve done before, and a few sentences about you.
  • If you have any questions, contact: Heather, Appetite General Manager on heather@appetitestoke.co.uk
  • Send your submission to: askus@appetitestoke.co.uk [marked: Digital Collection Project]

Deadline: Tuesday 4 May at 12pm 

Notification: Week commencing 10 May


We look forward to receiving your application! 



Top image source: Brampton Museum and Art Gallery, Newcastle under Lyme