Are you a Familiar Face in Newcastle-under-Lyme?

Are you a Familiar Face in Newcastle-under-Lyme?

Appetite have commissioned local photographer Adina Lawrence, in partnership with GRAIN Photography Hub, to record the shop keepers and workers of Newcastle-under-Lyme town centre businesses during December. Working with the Newcastle-under-Lyme Business Improvement District (BID), Appetite want to celebrate what is on our high street and show the Familiar Faces more widely.


Familiar Faces will be an outdoor exhibition that will feature throughout the town centre towards the end of January 2021 forming a trail for shoppers to follow. We want to show a broad range of businesses in the town centre as part of the project, and give them a friendly face. If you have a business within the BID area or know someone who does, this is fantastic opportunity to put your face on the map and to raise the profile of your business. We know that COVID-19 has hit businesses hard and want to use photography to celebrate, profile and promote Newcastle at the end of 2020 and into 2021.  We will use the exhibition to celebrate the people behind the businesses, their stories and how they have made their businesses COVID safe and are welcoming local people back.


Although we can’t guarantee we will use all the photographs Adina takes, we will be choosing a varied selection for the outdoor exhibition and will be sharing widely on social media. Both ourselves and Newcastle BID have strong social media presences and we will tag businesses in that get involved.


We are now looking for businesses to take part. Adina will be out and about calling in to talk to businesses about this opportunity but we would love for you to get in touch with us direct if you are interested so she can head on over to speak to you.

Please get in touch at  or call our Project and Marketing Assistant, Tash, on 07951357402 by Thursday 17 December